Tabaiant cun je int migrade of POC in Friuli and leint par ator "Forums" and blogs or by leievi problemis des tematichis and that migràs that vegnin them 'and an opposite. If maiorance
problemis burocratics and from there to an Pluie viodi cu the bariere lenghistiche and ignorance by derivado de procediments league. Je me and the impression that the integrationist mancjade Pluie Societät in you and to us viodi mancjât development of tun cun cun relazions interpersonâls int the puesto. Ducj and St. pluie par or mancul tabaiâ Taliani, ancje if not in ways you Pluie corete or elegant, but tancj rindin you realize that so many int par educationalists and their tabaie cun (forescj) and folkloric dome and cun amis par Talian and hunger in other tune that Lenghe ancje learn if voressin No more no tabaià the vulnerable, as the ancje contave Luche indaûr and TIMP Janez in which continued in the tai coments.
Par examples cun co Tabai par Talian sint not use the co peraulis dongje de esperience me, or if par examples dîs "Une forms of formadi" comes to me to know iniment the scent and savor. But whether or dis "A cheese" no to the same esperience, a forest on the banks of Sinti chest seconded emotif les dos lenghis chest and seconded it sint in you int the puesto relazions between migrants and gnus.
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