Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Do You Have To Use Konad Nail Polish?

of elezions

Timp indaûr Matieu Veve the fat one interesting question, " Cemût votaressino the Furlans on the elezions Merecanis ?". Jere Matieu to believe that McCain Vares vinzut in Friuli. E je une soredut interesting questions since the maiorance by cognos Furlans no les realtâts merecanis and soredut " the diversitat " like that in America in Italy in concepin gjenerâl ancjemò not exist.
McCain and 'stat in a politic cal gjoldût (until the passat n) of each popolaritât levers that other races know the party issues, the anzit semeave so I know that no pocs Partit pensavin him not fos and a Republican dûr and yet. I know the policies "ciertis" Materis je stade and a progresism and that the 'Vonda rar in Italy. O doubt that the governments of Italy at VUE in cjapedi CONSIDERATIONS une lec like wings so 'in matters of immigrazion position or as torture. But the DUT, and change each time a cal decidût of candidiasis. A poc ale times in the rineât sos politichis that lu vevin rindût "candidabil" in ways of ve 'political base de les simpatiis by puriscj know from political parties.
But no dome, if tancj and think that the problem of America and the dome seats are vuere sbalin. The problem and to 'the positions that pont and chest are the Republicans and restadis fasin AGHE of dutis Bandis lis. The politichis of liberalizazion des bancjis that tancj an votât in favor and in tai ultins 30 agns Demo tour and also to their families in conseguencis chestis setemanis. The voie of the Republicans and an itch 'to you mans health Setor assicurazions cun des cal coast pass $ 10,000 to an assigurasi par Viis privadis and folkloric cjate mancul adesions. The Sielte of Palin as a Vice candidade and laxatives in the tancj malsigûrs "Sintiment" of McCain. Al and 'une vore ironic that the slogan CONSIDERANT eletorâl by Republicans "Country First" and I am one za Dubis favor of the "patriotism" de governor, and the ethical and Signor de je za in discussion. As co za
Vevi written coment in tun, is one bisugne Voron atents paralelis ago to between policies Talian / Furlane and merecane. Par examples and the former parliamentary candidate for alis primaris Dennis Kucinich to a folkloric VUT politichis (previdence social, dirits civîi, foreign policy) but one favor to progressistis VUT dificoltâts cu know the basis by which cun Partit Trate de cuestión by abort . And the esistin
Blue Dog Democrats , which are a tic by Pluie conservadôrs Colegas of their party and agns indaûr (cumò 'estints par routes of politichis Partit) and the esistevin Rockefeller Repubblicans that jerina tant Pluie progressiscj politichis Social de lis on the base. In this senat or vin ancje a senator who no's 'will he Democratic Republican descrîf but as he and the' socialist , Bernie Sanders from Vermont by stat. Al and
'says dificult ce cal sucêt VUE Americas rags ve' presint the evolutionary political cul je tacade passing New Deal for " Great Society" of Lyndon B. Johnson and Nixon's Southern Strategy par cu lis purposes politichis Reagan that an ultimate ultins 30 agns from the Americas, and the dis Pluie cualchidun of economic situations in which ciatin chescj dis. In par pocis peraulis leaders 'in the contest of political leaders merecane bisugne' the sos radis, and tune in continuous evolutionary Societät devente chest and no one's business just now.


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