Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Corporals Punishments Movies

November 28, 2010 - I Sunday of Advent

Romans 13.11
It 'now time to wake up.
ὥρα ἤδη ὑμᾶς ἐξ ὕπνου ἐγερθῆναι.

S. Thomas (Super Romanos Epistolam B. Pauli lectura, ch. 13 lectio 3) distinguishes six types of sleep:

1. death (1 Thess 4:12)
2. sleep in the proper sense (John 11:12)
3. la quiete dell'eterna gloria ("sonno di grazia", Sal 4,9)
4. la contemplazione (Ct 5,2)
5. il peccato (Ef 5,14; Sal 127,2)
6. la negligenza (spirituale, Pr 6,9; Sir 32,15 [CEI 32,11]; Is 21,5).

"Hora est iam nos de somno surgere". Quod quidem intelligendum est non de somno naturae, qui quandoque dicitur mors, secundum illud I Thess. IV, 12: nolumus vos ignorare de dormientibus, quandoque autem est quies animalium virtutum, secundum illud Io. XI, v. 12: si dormit, salvus erit. Nec enim intelligendum est de somno gratiae, qui quandoque dicitur quies aeternae gloriae, secundum illud Ps. IV, 9: in pace in idipsum, etc., quandoque autem est quies contemplationis etiam in hac vita. Cant. V, 2: ego dormio, et cor meum vigilat.
Sed intelligitur de somno culpae, secundum illud Eph. V, 14: exurge, qui dormis, et exurge a mortuis, etc., vel etiam negligentiae, secundum illud Prov. c. VI, 9: usquequo, piger, dormies? Tempus ergo est surgendi a somno culpae per poenitentiam Ps. CXXVI, 2: surgite, postquam sederitis, etc., a somno vero negligentiae per sollicitudinem bene operandi Is. XXI, 5: surgite, principes, accipite clypeum. Eccli. XXXII, 15: hora surgendi non te tristet.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rash Infant Milk Allergy


The only condition is, as a
I, the dummy
I continue to break

you will be proud to know that for each
any that
is uncertain,
I can not do without that dismembered
to understand "where is that from "and" how ".
I want you to ...
"Who are you?"
"I do not know ... she was already gone."

a quote empirical monologue
subjected to cluster asthenic distraction.

the palm
wishes to put on an eye in

despite the lack of diopters.

The skin is pale
What is given
seems certain.
I want you to ...
"I need an adversarial process.

essential conception of a personal evolution. "

Fucibet And Angular Chelitis

Fists vertebral

© 2010 photo by Pindar Periplus °

2 Person Go Kart Blueprints Free

Going crazy [not] sober

A sigh fell down
and drunken
and with bruising to the stomach.
Sound aesthetics
lute with a parchment. Blathers
perjury dogmas
tearing the denial
and hucksters of nonsense
drawn with subtle courtesy.
The toxic / membership
the dowsing
erected only certainty
makes us blind kamikaze
oozing life
in barrels of cold steel.
Just a moment ...
but after having turned the hourglass
a fleeting gesture
one of the unnecessary dependencies
to measure grim
A slap to the identity.
The sigh
issues that make me inept
in being
between ... ... in the ...
between ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

Cornflower Blue Ballet Shoes

roots rock

Leaves lava
a fire sparkles.
The knuckles snapped at the temples.
Crowds sentence.
The puzzle awaits.
Fragile vibrate
thoughts than the idea.
Appearance property
(heavy rock)
with their feet in the ground brittle
the rain at his clay.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Meagan Good's Stylist

November 7, 2010 - XXXII Sunday in Ordinary Time

2Tessalonicesi 2,16-17

Fratelli, lo stesso Signore nostro Gesù Cristo e Dio, Padre nostro, che ci ha amati e ci ha dato, per His grace, eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every work and word.

16 Αὐτὸς δὲ ὁ κύριος ἡμῶν Ἰησοῦς Χριστὸς καὶ [ὁ] θεὸς ὁ πατὴρ ἡμῶν, ὁ ἀγαπήσας ἡμᾶς καὶ δοὺς παράκλησιν αἰωνίαν καὶ ἐλπίδα ἀγαθὴν ἐν χάριτι, 17 παρακαλέσαι ὑμῶν τὰς καρδίας καὶ στηρίξαι ἐν παντὶ ἔργῳ καὶ λόγῳ ἀγαθῷ.

Così S. Tommaso, nel suo commento all'epistolario paolino (Super II Thess., cap. 2 lectio 3):

Deinde cum dicit "itaque" etc., monet tenere veritatem, et primo ponit monitionem; secundo orationem, ibi "ipse autem Dominus" et cetera.
Deinde ponit orationem, ibi "ipse autem Dominus noster Iesus Christus" etc.; quasi dicat: sic moneo, sed nihil valet nisi adsit divinum auxilium. Et ideo ponit primo duplex Dei beneficium.
Primum est amor eius ad nos, quo alia nobis impendit; ideo dicit "dilexit nos".
Secundum est spiritualis consolatio, ibi "et dedit consolationem aeternam".
II Cor. I, v. 4: qui consolatur nos in omni tribulatione nostra.
Is. XL,1: consolamini, consolamini, popule meus, dicit Dominus Deus vester, et cetera.
Et dicit consolationem aeternam, scilicet contra omnia mala imminentia et futura. Et ideo expectamus spem bonam, id est, bonorum aeternorum infallibilitatem.
I Petr. I,3: qui secundum magnam misericordiam suam regeneravit nos in spem vivam.
Et hoc "in gratia", scilicet per quam speramus consequi vitam aeternam.
Rom. VI,23: gratia Dei vita aeterna.
Petit autem pro eis exhortationem, quae est monitio ducens animum ad volendum. Et hanc potest facere homo exterius; sed non esset efficax, nisi esset interius Spiritus Dei. Unde dicit "exhortetur corda vestra", id est, instiget.
Os. II,14: ducam eam in solitudinem, et loquar ad cor eius.
Item petit confirmationem, unde dicit "et confirmet".
Ps. LXVII, 29: Confirma hoc, Deus, quod operatus es in nobis. Almost
DICAT: exhortetur for gratiam, ut velimus, et ut confirmet efficaciter velimus. "Et hoc et in omni bono work speech." Praecedit sermonem opus, quia "coepit Iesus facere and to teach," Act I, 1.

This is a prayer time to ask what was on the subject of the warning of the apostle, that is firmly adhere to the truth. The prayer is based on awareness of the dual gift of God ("grace"), which is his love and consolation / encouragement of the Holy Spirit. He makes the teaching from the outside (in this case by the Apostle) ports to want what is actually required, and to put it with fortitude in spite of all opposition in the form of "every good work and word." The work above the floor. Like Jesus: first do, then teach!